Friday, June 20, 2008

How to Tell a Woman You Like Her Romantically

Step1Get inspired. Look back on the times when you really enjoyed being around her, discovered that you might have a lot in common, or realized that you had tremendous respect for her.
Step2Put yourself in her shoes. Based on what you know about her, imagine what language or situations might make her uncomfortable, and avoid them. If you are unsure, err on the side of caution. Avoid overemphasizing the appeal of her physical appearance.
Step3Choose an appropriate venue for your disclosure, so that you can avoid embarrassment and awkwardness as much as possible. Telling her on a sailboat, miles away from shore, or announcing it from the audience of a talk show might not work out well for either of you.
Step4Make yourself clear. You do not have to be cryptic to be tactful. Rather than wrapping your feelings of romance in a riddle, clearly convey your attraction. "You might already know that I like you, but I want you to know that I am interested in you romantically."
Step5Keep the door open for a response, without putting pressure on her. Let her know that you want to remain friendly, even if you do not develop a closer relationship.
Step6Resist requesting an immediate response. It is pretty off-putting if you say, "Well, what do you think of me? I mean, I could be wrong, but I am pretty sure that I was getting a vibe from you. Am I right or am I right?"
Step7Give your declaration some time to sink in. It may take a few days or even weeks. Once you start counting the months go by, you can safely bet she is not interested.
Step8Let it go and move on if the feelings are not mutual or if she doesn't mention it again.
Step9Celebrate with her if she believes that you two just might become an item.
Step10Learn from your experience, whatever the outcome. What would you do differently next time? Are you often interested in women who don't feel the same way about you? Are you open to approaching different women than you have ever considered for a relationship before?

1 comment:

lucky said...

i love u disha.....
